When I look at this yarn, I truly cannot tell if it is what the label says it is (a half merino, half silk blend by Malabrigo in Polar Morn) or if it is spun from mithril, you know, the Middle Earth metal, used by elves and dwarves to make chain-mail and inscriptions only visible by moonlight? I love it. I love the silvery, lavendar hue. I love the very subtle color variations. I love the soft hand and the very slight sheen.
Sophy and I each got some of this stuff a few weeks ago at Imagiknit, when she was shopping for a deep burgandy yarn to make some opera gloves. I was brainstorming what yarn to choose for an Hourglass sweater (the Cash Iroha is expensive and somewhat "eh" to me), not actually planning to buy anything, when she showed me this Malabrigo that she had chosen. It's not your ordinary Malabrigo; in fact, I may have bought half of what exists of this yarn, in this color, in the entire country.
As much as I am looking forward to making and wearing the Hourglass, this spun mithril deserves something more. Something elven, with some sort of intricate cable embellishment and pretty sleeve cuffs. Who knows, who knows...the sketches are still very preliminary. This stuff was not cheap. And I would say that Sophy made me buy it, but I didn't really need to be convinced that I needed this in my stash. The deliberation period was about 2.5 seconds. It will be worth it, I know.
You know, Hilary... After seeing your pictures, I had to dig through my stash to findmy couple skeins... I sincerely regret not buying more of this yarn. In fact, why didn't we just buy the entire lot? What's $300 for... magic?
Hilary, I love your blog! Now I'll always know just what you are knitting. You can now be assured that you have a third faithful reader. Thanks for sharing!
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