AND, the uber-amazing CanarySanctuary has kindly bestowed upon me the I Love Your Blog Award (Psst...it's her birthday, too. Go stop by her blog and leave some well-wishes!). What a wonderful birthday present -- thank you, CanarySanctuary!

The rules of the award are:
1- Post the award on your blog.
2- Add a link to the person who gave you the award
3- Nominate at least 4 other bloggers and add their links
4- Leave a comment at the recipients’ blogs so they can pass it on
My nominees are, in no particular order...
The Lady Knits
Involving the Senses
Team Knit
The Knitting Blog by Mr. Puffy the Dog
There are truly some talented ladies behind the links above and I thank them all for sharing that talent with the blogosphere!
In other birthday love related news, I've decided to do a birthday giveaway. Last year, a good friend of mine gave me a kit that came with all the materials necessary to make some little felted purses. I've been on this major Christmas-knitting kick lately and thought these would make nice gifts. Well, I've gone a little crazy and am going to end up with way more purses than I will know what to do with when the holidays are upon us. Last night as I was brushing my teeth, I realized that, with all these purses on the needles, and with my birthday coming up in a few hours, I should use the opportunity to give one away. SO. Please leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite birthday tradition is. On Sunday at 12 noon PDT, I will randomly choose a commenter and send them my favorite of the little felted purses and some other goodies from San Francisco. I have to warn you and apologize in advance -- because I just thought of this last night, the little purses are in various stages of development and none have actually been finished, it might take about a week to get the prize shipped off to the winner. But here's a preview of the purses...

Thanks to all my knitblogging friends who shared age 27 with me. I can tell already that 28 will be even better!
happy, happy birthday! I love the boots. they are great. it sounds like you had a great day.
when i was young my mom would pack a big picnic with PB&J and M&M, and pringles and we would head to the beach for the day in my birthday. I loved every minute of it!
happy birthday! 28 is a good year--I'm almost half way through mine. People will still call you things like 'spring chicken' but you are well past all the silly dramas of your youth. Enjoy it!
Ah so young! Happy Birthday.....have fun strutting your stuff in those funky boots!
Happy Birthday!
The purses look great so far. Our family tradition really relates to the love shared. Growing older isn't always fun so the arm wishes always helpsme feel better.
Happy Happy Birthday! A fellow Virgoan! I knew there was something cool about you;-)
And thank you for the blog award, I am touched.
My favorite birthday tradition - mom would always leave a present for us to open in the morning of our birthday (if we had to go to school) since we wouldn't open presents till the evening with all the family and friends. I like that a lot, and need to train the boyfriend to do the same...
Happy Birthday again!
Happy birthday! Nice boots! My favorite tradition is getting presents ;)
(mostly from myself, these days, but hey, it's a good excuse!)
Awwwww. Happy birthday! You are such a youngster - LOL
Those boots were made for walking....
My favorite birthday tradition is choosing what cake you get! My personal favorite is a B&R icecream cake.
THANK YOU for the ribbon *blink* *blink*
Happy birthday, Hilary!
My favourite birthday tradition isn't one I can follow when I'm away at school, but when I'm at home for my birthday I love the family dinner (with my grandparents and uncle).
Woohoo! Happy birthday!
My favorite tradition in recent years is to buy myself a present. It doesn't have to be expensive, just something I want that I wouldn't spend the money on otherwise. You gotta treat yourself right. ;-)
happy birthday, hilary! i hope it is your best year yet.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Those boots are fabulous. I LOVE them. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. As far as birthday traditions, I don't have any specific thing. But it seems that I travel quite a bit on my birthday (end of March) since it is spring break time - so I was often skiing or somewhere warm for my birthday. I guess that's not a bad tradition! :)
Happy 28th! My birthday is tomorrow--how exciting to be sharing so much birthday love with people in the blogosphere!
My favorite birthday tradition is being allowed to eat the birthday dessert the next day for breakfast, and as I usually asked for chocolate mousse, I was a happy, happy camper.
Happy fantastical birthday to you!
Love the boots, btw.
When I was younger, the best part of birthdays was getting to see my cousins. Now that I'm older, and people seem to fall out of the habit of meeting much at this particular generational junction (my generation hasn't started reproducing yet!), I think my favourite tradition would have to be the sweets.
Oh, the sweets.
Happy B-day! My favorite b-day tradition is selecting the cake flavor! YUM
Happy (belated) birthday! I hope it was a great one! I will be 28 in a few weeks - we would have been in the same class in school :P
Umm, I also turned 28 (on the 20th)! I'm amazed that so many bloggers I read are so close in age and/or born so close to the same time. Anyway, even though this is belated, happy birthday! (And those are amazing boots!)
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