So, several months ago, my neighbor and dear friend found out her best friend was pregnant. This particular best friend had been visiting around the time that I had made these and this for Sarah's baby, witnessed me wrapping them up for the shower, and gushed. I mean, it's hard not to gush about baby knits, right? Anyway, when my neighbor found out her friend was pregnant, she immediately asked if she could commission a little knit baby outfit for could I say no? Especially when it was determined that the baby in question was a girl??
Little Mia was born about a month ago, and I truly hope she likes her new outfit:

(Note: This is not Mia, this is my poor, battered stuffed animal and the closest thing to a baby model I had around the house...besides the cat, but he refused to comply.)
Pattern: b16-1 Knitted Poncho from DROPS Design (The baby modeling this poncho is so adorable, I almost can't stand it. You MUST click on this link!)
Yarn: Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick, 1.5 skeins of Fisherman 099
Needles: US 11 circs
Start to Finish: March 15-16, 2009
Mods: I braided 3 strands of yarn instead of crocheting the ties.
Notes: I almost kept the poncho so I could continue to giggle about how freakin' cute this pattern is.

The flower is this pattern) made with the same yarn as the pants below. I tied it on to the poncho for a girly flair.

Pattern: Baby's Denim Drawstring Pants, from Last Minute Knitted Gifts
Yarn: TLC Cotton Plus Solid, 1.2 skeins of Medium Rose 3707
Needles: US 6 dpns and circs
Start to Finish: March 18-22, 2009
Mods: Nope.
Notes: This is my second time making this pair of wee pants, and I think it's great. Not much else to say - quick and easy!
More baby knits soon...and hopefully also some adult-wear, too.
awww! I have a baby shower to attend this weekend. I wish I had made this for Angelie Rose! Very cute. A.xx
Makes me miss R's yoga pants that are now stuffed away in the darn "can't wait until next baby so I can recycle these clothes!" pile.
BTW, Softie is awfully photogenic!
Keeey yooo t!
very sweet! The cat's glad you have the bear lying around....
So freaking cute! I currently working on my first baby sweater ever. Well, actually my first thing that isn't a square or a rectangle. I can't wait to knit more baby stuff...maybe this poncho!
You weren't kidding about that baby in the Drops pattern photo!
There's also a bit of osmosis going on there - the pattern is so cute, it's making the baby even cuter :)
Really, though, that's one lucky baby (and I think baby's parents, as well!) to be receiving such a pretty little outfit!
Now, if only I could convince someone I know to get preggers!
Sooooo cute! That poncho is darling as are the matching pants :) Boy, am I relieved you clarified that wasn't Mia - LOL - but it does make for a cute model :)
these are sooo cute hilary!
very cute! Glad to see someone in the same place as me (knitting all those baby clothes). I just finished a sweater. makes you want one, right??
I'd like to see the cat modeling the poncho. :)
That poncho is so sweet.
Oooh, SO cute!! I love the little flower detail, and the hoodie and pants are perfect!! It feels like most of the women I know are preggers, too- I've got to get baby knitting this summer!
- Julie
The poncho is adorable! I want one for me.
omg, I love this set - that little flower is a great touch! I think the cat needs to lighten up;)
hello! I am new here! I love this pretty, sweetie, little poncho!! It is wonderful!! WOW
salve sono rossella del blog alsiva, ho cercato il tuo blog su google e volevo invitarti a visitare il mio. io sono abruzzese a vivo a 130 km. dall'aquila sono un'infermiera, ex pioniera della cri e la mia prima figlia oltre a studiare all'aquila è anche lei pioniera cri, sta facendo avanti e indietro dall'aquila con la cri per portare gli aiuti. come di certo già sapete là oltre al disastro che è successo ci si è messo pure il tempo con freddo pioggia vento e grandine . le tendopoli sono ormai paludi di fango.ho avuto contatti con cuore di maglia che mi ha spedito delle copertine per i piccini ed appena saranno arrivati le distribuirò personalmente. io intanto sto facendo capi piccini da scambiare con cuore di maglia che si occupa dei piccolissimi. volevo invitarvi a realizzare qualcosa per i piccini, anche delle pezzoline a maglia e uninetto e se avete problemi ad assemblarle mi potrei occupare io. se volete scrivetemi pure io ho un elenco di 12 bambini da zero a 18 mesi ospiti negli alberghi della mia zona .mi auguro di ricevere tante mail baci dal popolo abruzzese
mi firmo anonima ma i miei dati sono questi
salve sono rossella del blog alsiva, ho cercato il tuo blog su google e volevo invitarti a visitare il mio. io sono abruzzese a vivo a 130 km. dall'aquila sono un'infermiera, ex pioniera della cri e la mia prima figlia oltre a studiare all'aquila è anche lei pioniera cri, sta facendo avanti e indietro dall'aquila con la cri per portare gli aiuti. come di certo già sapete là oltre al disastro che è successo ci si è messo pure il tempo con freddo pioggia vento e grandine . le tendopoli sono ormai paludi di fango.ho avuto contatti con cuore di maglia che mi ha spedito delle copertine per i piccini ed appena saranno arrivati le distribuirò personalmente. io intanto sto facendo capi piccini da scambiare con cuore di maglia che si occupa dei piccolissimi. volevo invitarvi a realizzare qualcosa per i piccini, anche delle pezzoline a maglia e uninetto e se avete problemi ad assemblarle mi potrei occupare io. se volete scrivetemi pure io ho un elenco di 12 bambini da zero a 18 mesi ospiti negli alberghi della mia zona .mi auguro di ricevere tante mail baci dal popolo abruzzese
mi firmo anonima ma i miei dati sono questi
oh, i love the baby items. so sweet.
Hello Ms. Yarniad! I'm visiting via A Friend to Knit With, and am having so much fun pawing through your posts. I was wondering if you might mind if I plopped a link to your blog in my Rotating List of Super Web Distractions.
Much love and many clicking needles,
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