In the past year I've really grown as a knitter as well. It was just last January that I started tackling projects more complex than scarves, and knitblogland has helped me tremendously. I've learned techniques (often from tutorials on others' blogs) involving short rows and fair isle, socks, lace, steeks, designing, and more. Which is why I find it hilarious and absurd that my 50th finished object, posted here on my blogiversary, is what it is:
Note: There will be no modeled shots.
Yes indeed, all that I have learned in the past year has brought me to this -- knitting panties.
Anyway, thank you to the few of you who read this (including the non-knitting friends and family members I force to), to those who have left all the sweet and encouraging comments that warm my heart, to everyone in knitblogland in general for having such inspiring and entertaining blogs, and especially to Sophy, without whom I would have never started this blog in the first place.
(End of mushiness.)
Congrats. Here is to a beautiful second year.
Ha-haaaaa! I was always afraid of knitting panties, as I was sure they'd leave knit marks on my butt. You are one brave woman! :D
Congrats on your first year! I look forward to reading more!
happy blogiversary -- yours is one of my favorite blogs to read. hooray for blog-friends!
has it been 1 year already? yay! i feel like it's the anniversary of our BFF-ship as well... ^_^
since you mentioned the orange panties, i've been waiting to see them: love them! cute. hehe and they do look comfy. (cotton?)
happy friday!
What - no modeled shots? How will we know the fit, the drape??? Thank you for the laugh and for taking the time to share your many varied projects (I don't remember that many fingerless mitts) A big fan of yours, Mr Puffy
happy blogiversary! here's to more years of blogging and knitting and wearing of the panties.
ps: maybe mr puffy could model the undies. puffies and panties seem like a "pair" made in heaven.
Congrats on the Blogaversary! The knitted panties...I think I need more information:)
Happy blogoversary!! And I love that it's knitted knickers- so cute. I assume that they fit well, and are comfy? I've thought about knitting them, but wasn't sure....
- Julie
Congrats to you! Here's to another great year!
Congrats on your first year! I've shown your blog to many of my friends who have complimented Reese's yoga pants, and they are all amazed at your talent. And then I tell them that you are an amazing ballerina, you speak Greek, are well-versed in politics and religion, and work for NASA. Then they really hate you :)
Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for the many hours of entertainment and information. I've learned so much about knitting just from reading your blog. I've also shown you off to many of my friends and bask in the glory of knowing a brilliant knitter.
P.S.On Saturday, I was going to ask you about the knitted knickers and ran out of time- Guess that means we'll have to meet up again soon!
Thank you for creating such a great blog! Yours is one of my faves :)
Do you have a pattern for these? :-)
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