So, right before I shared the major news, I gushed a little bit about my San Francisco Giants. Well, this Monday, they won the World Series. I still can hardly believe it. As I've talked about before, the Giants have been in San Francisco since 1958, and have not only never won the championship, but had only ever gone three times before this year. And they did it. The stars aligned and the band of cast-offs and misfits won the first World Series victory ever in San Francisco. I am not ashamed to admit that I got a little emotional when it happened.
The entire city of San Francisco erupted when the final out was made to clinch the series and, honestly, I didn't know there were so many fans within city limits. It seems like in San Francisco everyone is from somewhere else and holds loyalty to their hometown teams. Most of the "serious" Giants fans I know are from my hometown, two hours away. So it's been really neat seeing the city awash in orange and black. I don't even care if half of them are new fans, bandwagoners, fairweather. It's just fun to have something to celebrate together.
Wednesday morning, we went to the celebratory parade being held downtown. They followed the same route as the last time such a parade was held, back in 1958 when the Giants first came to town.
Just getting there was crazy...

And there were a million people there (truly!), some climbing on things, which seemed dangerous given the amount of alcohol being consumed around us (as well as the Prop 19 support)...

But we were very excited to be there.

(The baby came, too.)

Unfortunately, most of the photos I took of the players going by in their motorized cable cars look like this:

But I did see most of my favorites, as well as a whole lot of Giants staff, who all looked really, really happy. And confetti rained from the sky!

If the baby ends up a baseball fan (no pressure, baby), I can't wait to tell him about all of this and how he would somersault around during all the stressful parts of the post-season games and kick me when Neill and I cheered. And who knows? The Giants' luck seems to have turned, their curse broken, and with their pitching staff geared to be excellent for some time to come, they may actually win one in his lifetime, too.
Never too much Giants talk for me! Happy happy happy-- this makes up for all past heartbreak for this daughter and granddaughter of Giants fans. Yippee!
-- Gretchen
Enjoying your jubilation vicariously! If Notre Dame doesn't have a good season next year I might have to give up on football and become a baseball fan - ha!
I do not recall that you have told us when you are due...
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
The train ride picture, that is rush hour everyday in Tokyo! Though in Tokyo, no one talks or bothers each other. Amazing.
Beautiful bump there Hilary! Glad the wee one was cheering with Mum and Dad. I am so happy for your team too!! I saw part of one game on t.v. and thought you might be in the crowd somewhere...which was cool :) Ali xx
I "watched" game five on's At Bat, and I was thinking of you when Brian Wilson struck out Nelson Cruz to end it. CONGRATULATIONS! As a Cardinals fan, I loved that Edgar Renteria was one of the heroes... big fan of his when he was in St. Louis.
Also, I noticed the Asteria cardigan when I was on Ravelry yesterday -- love it!
Love your Asteria cardigan!!!
I was finally able to see the World Series parade a lot better on Market Street and followed Aubrey Huff and Pat Burrell's cable car along with Tim Lincecum! I'd never been to such a huge parade before!
It was so much fun to cheer the Giants on! Now everyone will be cheering you on during your pregnancy! Good luck to you!!!
How exciting! The stars really are aligning :)
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