I've always loved the verse -- "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb," (Psalm 139:13) -- and I just can't help but love referring to a fetus as a "WIP". So that little one up there is my latest and certainly greatest knitting project, expected to be "finished" on or around March 19, 2011. :)
As of yesterday's ultrasound, Neill and I have been able to refer to HIM with a personal pronoun, and I've gathered all of my boy-appropriate yarn into a big pile to be turned into lots of warm knits for our little son.
Oh, I just can't wait. I'm in love with this little guy already.
Oh!! Congratulations Hilary!! This is so exciting! My first born is a March baby, too ;o)
soooooooooo excited!!! We needed some more boys around at Christmas and Easter. I personally think Cody Ross is a perfect name... or maybe Clark? Ooooooh, I actually like that w/ your last name... The would be a GREAT baseball name. Let me know if you need anything! :)
Congrats!! I had a feeling this would be your big news. I can't wait to see all the wee knits!
Wow, congrats! What wonderful news and I love the use of WIP. :)
it always amuses me how CUTE they can look even in the womb!!!!
Congratulations! Nothing could be more exciting! Happy knitting!
That's so great - something had me thinking of you just before I sat down - your knitting actually !! Such an appropriate verse to have in your mind during this time - wish I had been a knitter during that period! BESt!
Congratulations!!! That's awesome.
oh, hilary -- congratulations! i am so excited for you both. what a lucky baby boy. his mom's a knitter!
Hilary!!! So excited for you guys!!!
Watching the game right now... hopefully you got the email I send you!!! Little boys are the best- EJ just tuned one.
He's got a very handsome profile already! Congratulations! :)
Yeah!!!!!!!! Congratulations:)
How marvelous! It might be my little girl in the making, but I actually teared up reading your post. How fantastic!
Hilary!! I am SO excited for you! Did you by any chance see my blog post about my baby shower (back in August)? My mom made a little "showers of prayers" book and this verse was on the front cover. This is so awesome- totally happy to hear the good news!
I'm so excited for you! As much as I want to see what baby boy knits you come up with, I am REALLY interested in what maternity knits you create...there are not enough on the market right now!
Congratulations again!
Oh wow, what great news! Bonam fortunam.
Congratulations on that perfect little boy, knit together by God!!! And congrats on the first win...in a few minutes. I(t's the 9th inning.)
Congratulations!!! Now that's what I'd call a home run :)
I too love it when I find biblical references to knitting/wool ~ how's this for obscure ~ a reference to "scarlet wool" and I presume that was hand painted.... Hebrews 9:19.
Congratulations!! Very exciting times ahead :)
Proof that I am psychic. I was wondering on Monday if you were going to have a baby soon. I really do swear to the Lord. Soooo.... CONGRATULATIONS!!! You're going to have a little Giants fan soon!!! So much fellow bloggerknitter love to you and the new one on the way. And congrats to Papa of course.
Congrats, Hilary!! My daughter that I knit the Lilas for is expecting her first on March 3rd. Am having a lot of fun knitting for my first grandchild and of course watching the Giants win
Have you already started to knit for him?
xxx sara
Oh wow! Congratulations! :D
Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see what you knit for him!
Also, congrats on the Giants winning game one!
Congratulations! It'll be one stylish baby :)
Aww that's awesome! Congrats!!!
Congratulations! How exciting. Have fun with all the baby knits :)
That is fantastic! So thrilled for you both!
Many many congratulations! ..and he's due the day after my birthday ...Pisces!
Aha! saw the headline and figured you were finally talking :-)
A boy -- so you CAN name him Juan and maybe you can even knit him a little black beard?
Congrats again! Have fun and eat anything you want --
I thought of you this morning when I heard the score...! And it is lovely to read about your happiness. Both Ivy and Gage are born in March, it's a fun month for birthday parties. I hope you are not having morning sickness so you can really enjoy every minute. Ali xx
Congratulations! :)
CONGRATS! Virtual hugs.
SQUEAL!!!! congratulations!! I'm so happy for you both, that's just amazing. :D
congratulations Hilary!!!!!!
Big congratulations!!!
Oh sweetie! This is so exciting - congratulations for sure!!
Congratulations! My best wishes to you and your husband, may everything go fantastically well.
Great news...pregnancy is such a wonderful time! Much luck and love to you and your husband and the little one. You design such lovely patterns, I'm looking forward to seeing how this part of your life develops into new knits!
AAAAAAA!!! Congratulations! I'm so, SO happy for you! That is one blessed little boy.
Congratulations, it must be so exciting! :)))
Congratulations! So, so happy for you!!
This is indeed a beautiful verse from the Bible! Certainly your best WIP so far I agree! Look forward to see what you will knit for him!!!
congratulations lady!! enjoying your blog, thanks :)
Oh my god!!! Congratulations Hilary!! I'm so happy for you :) Now, I know there's wondrous things in your future, but I can't help but imagine what fab knits will be inspired by your wee boy :)
(and I think one more smiley face needs to be added to this post. :) There!)
Congratulations, Hilary! That's wonderful news. I remember when Isobel was born in November of 2004 that the Red Sox had finally won the World Series. Having grown up a Cubs fan, I was thrilled to have lived in Boston long enough to not be a fair-weather fan but to get to cheer on a winner. Hopefully you will be able to tell your son a similar story when he's born :)
(I'm still waiting on the Cubs, of course.)
Fabulous!! So exciting!!
Congratulations! What a great WIP ;) I just had a little boy in April, you're going to have so much fun and he's going to steal your heart everyday. So thrilled for you, congrats again!
A baby! How wonderful for you. It will be the best experience you will ever have in your life. You will be able to look back and realize that you only thought you had experienced love -- a baby will bring more love into your life than you could ever have imagined.
When you initially wrote about your impending motherhood, I was making a logo sweater and cap for an expected great-grandchild. Take a look - it may give you an idea for your own Giants.
Congratulations, Hilary! So glad the word is out and all your fans can start making baby boy knits. Thank you, thank you, thank you for finding out the sex ahead of time! Hope the next 4 months go smoothly for you.
Congratulations, Hilary! Kids are a blessing in our lives. Have a wonderful pregnancy and enjoy every minute of it.
Congratulations -- but this time, it is for the Giants! They played magnificently.
Although we do not know each other, I found myself thinking of you this morning when I heard your beloved Giants won! Congrats on both wins! :)
Congratulations Hilary! So happy for you! And as a native Californian, I'm also so happy the Giants won last night :)
CONGRATULATIONS. I'm a grandmother of two adorable little girls and can I tell you how cool it is that a bunch of you young hip bloggers are all having your first babies. We feel like we know you through your blogs and we get to celebrate your joy and blessings. Knitters are just the best peeps in the world.
Hooray - congratulations!! My daughter was born on March 15th of this year (I know, I know...but we're just not going to worry about Brutus). March is a great month for babies! Enjoy the mommy knitting :)
awe, hilary! i'm so excited for you! it's a boy!
Congratulations! I've been following your blog for over a year now - I love your patterns :) March 19th is my birthday! and it was our first son's due date too. Many congratulations!
very cool, we are the same amount of pregnant! I am due Mar. 20. Congrats!
Congratulations! I wish you all the best for you and your "WIP" <3
first of all... let me tell you HOW EXCITED I AM FOR YOU! oh, i wish i could give you a big congrats hug!
and second... let me apologize... i have been switching all my blogs over to google reader... which has taken me like FOREVER... and have been missing out on what is happening out there!
SUCH beautiful news!!! xx
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