1. As of March 1st, I'll be raising the prices on my Knit Picks patterns from $1.99 to $5 for Gemma and the Kimono Wrap Cardigan and $4 for Cloudy Sunday and Mirabor. Before you guys think I'm just trying to make a quick buck (if a quick buck can be made knitwear-designing), let me explain. When I first published those patterns with Knit Picks' awesome Independent Designer Program, all of the patterns on their site were priced at $1.99. There was some discussion on the interwebs about this low pricing and whether or not it undervalued the work of the designer, etc. etc. I personally believed that it was nice to have some less expensive patterns out there and as far as compensation as a designer goes, the traffic I got by having patterns in their program more than made up for the fact that the patterns themselves were priced a little under market. But now Knit Picks has changed their pricing structure and allows the designers to choose from prices between $1.99 and $5.99 and it got me thinking. There are some people who design knitting patterns for a living and they generally charge between $5 and $7.50. I am a Project Scheduler for a living. What if all of a sudden a bunch of people decided that Project Scheduling was SO much fun (um, yeah right) that they would do it for 25-40% of the current going rate for a Project Scheduler? Bad news for me. So I'm raising prices on these patterns not because I want your money, but because it's closer to the current market price. And the new prices are still somewhat low, so I truly hope this isn't off-putting to anyone.
Remember, this doesn't take effect until March 1st, so you still have a couple of weeks to get Gemma, the Kimono Wrap Cardi, Cloudy Sunday, and Mirabor for $1.99!
2. In response to an inquiry from a yarn shop, I have set up a quick wholesale option for Lilas and Peponi. This is more like a license to print multiple copies of the patterns because you still only get the digital file (versus printed copies). The way it works is if you are a shop that would like to purchase Lilas or Peponi at wholesale to sell to your customers and don't mind printing out your own copies, you purchase the pattern through Ravelry as usual, add 10 or more in the quantity field, then enter "wholesale" as the coupon code. 50% of the pattern price will automatically be discounted. I will update the pattern pages with better instructions, but thought I'd mention it now as a quick fyi.
3. Nesting has taken over my life. I have organized and/or cleaned everything I could get my hands on in the past two weeks and, therefore, have hardly knit a stitch. And unfortunately, the nursery is still not ready.
4. But before that, I knit my baby a Solar System mobile! So geeky, right? Once assembled, I will be sure to post it asap.
5. This is what I look like now:
(Please note that this was taken just after getting home from work so I was feeling a) exhausted and b) really not cute).
6. My due date is 4 weeks from tomorrow. I keep hearing that first children often come late rather than early, but I was early, my husband was early, and most of my friends have been early as well...so we really need to get cracking on that nursery.
7. Seriously, someone get me away from the rocky road ice cream. It is all I want to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'm not...but I would if I didn't think it would have consequences.
8. My knitting gals and I will be going to the Stitches West marketplace this Sunday around lunch time. If you spot me, please come say hi! I'll be the big pregnant lady waddling around with (likely) a huge bag of newly purchased Tess' Designer Yarn.
That's it for now. Happy Friday!
I'm delurking just to say hello and that I completely agree with your decision to raise the prices on those KnitPicks designs. Personally, I look at a pattern price as an indicator of how interesting a design will be to knit and how detailed or informative the pattern directions will be. And I have to confess that $1.99 is a price point that makes me want to skip the purchase and just crunch the numbers myself. $5 and up, on the other hand, makes me think that the product is worth my money. Just my two cents.
Enjoy your last few weeks pre-baby. They really fly by!
You are such a beautiful pregnant lady! I am so glad that you posted a picture.
hugs to you and Neill!
You look beautiful!
Oh, lovely mommy-to-be! I can't wait to see the solar system mobile!
You explained the price changes beautifully. Anyone who is put off is missing the big picture, in my opinion.
Happy nesting!
You look wonderful. I was the first child, and I came on the date I was due.
I've *always* been punctual :)
personally I think a knit solar system sounds awesome. your baby is so lucky! and don't worry, I'm sure you'll get the nursery done. :)
I think 5 bucks is still a pretty reasonable price for a nice pattern, and I'm sure that lots of other knitters will feel the same! The last thing we want is designers not being able to afford to continue designing.
I'm something like 5 weeks from my due date at the moment, and have solved the nursery dilemma by deciding it won't have one - number one child was in with us for so long that we had plenty of time to play around with nursery ideas before he got his own room!
Thank you for posting your beautiful picture! This is so exciting! I think your solar system mobile idea is grand. Wish I had thought of that...
And, as a shop owner, I totally agree with your opinion on pattern pricing. I have to constantly explain to customers that I am not trying to get rich by the prices of the books and leaflets but designers deserve every cent of it. And, I give an ear full if asked to photocopy/steal.
Best of luck with the delivery if it happens sooner! A. xx
You look great! Enjoy these last few weeks (or less - I was almost a month early and am the first of three; Isobel was a few days early, and Penelope was induced on her due date after my OB said I was going to go "any time" at my 8-month check-up). Babies come when they are ready, not when we are :)
Completely understand your price increase (and appreciate your not undercutting those of us attempting to do this for a living). Our work deserves full value, whether we work at it full-time or not.
I think it's wonderful that you made this pricing decision, it's important to value everyone's work and price it at the real cost it takes to maintain a living doing it as opposed to the "subsidized price". I feel the same way about food. :)
Don't worry about the nursery, I was in a rush to get it done and Abby has stayed in with us the whole time. She moved from a bassinet to our bed. Co-sleeping has been one of the most amazing parts of having a baby and she is so snuggly. Especially in the winter it keeps her warm and cozy and I'm not up all night worrying about her if I can't see her. :)
You look great!
And, the baby will come when it comes. :) I remember by the end I was just like "GET IT OUT" but honestly, all the worrying and spicy food and, um, other activities that we did to attempt to induce labor had no effect. She came when she was good and ready. Which, fortunately, was right around my due date.
Sigh. Miss you and all your cuteness. I'm so excited for you guys and wish I was closer. Your cousin's kids were all early, too, so yeah, get crackalackin on that nursery ;) Really though, baby doesn't need anything but some milk and diapers and some arms to sleep in for the first few weeks so don't stress yourself out.
PS. I'm in the process of making a yarn ball solar system for the playroom for the summer decor. Not nearly as cool as your nerdy ;) little knit mobile, but I try lol!
I think it's fair that you increase the price of your designs. I don't mind paying 5 bucks for a design I find beautiful!
You look fantastic!! Cherish these days, and write it all down! And take long walks, eat spicy food. First children are generally late, but if you were early your son may be too. Eamon was a day early.
You look lovely! Good luck these last few weeks :)
And don't worry about the price change - your patterns are worth it.
You look gorgeous, Hilary! Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.
Lovely! Congratulations and keep up the good work!
Holy Mama, Mama! You're HUGE! But in a really, really, cute, excellent, good way!!!
Be well Hilary. :-)
Oh, and that wasn't Daniel, that was Larkin:-) Someone didn't sign out, oops.
You are such a beautiful woman, Hil! You said this picture was taken after work but I sure couldn't tell you were exhausted :)
Enjoy every day~ believe it or not, some people *ahem-me* actually miss being pregnant!
Take care and can't wait to meet The Little Mr.
Your new pattern prices are still reasonable. Your designs are beautiful. I just purchased Mirabar, can't wait to start. I picked up baby llama yarn in Peru last month. I will use that. Right now I am finishing Citron. I am making this for someone who is allergic to wool so I chose cotton ease yarn. I am a knitting newbie and don't know if this was a good idea. Seems a bit bulky...
Looking forward to that solar system. Seems like you are going to have so much fun with your new baby.
I totally support your decision to raise pattern prices to something approaching fair market value. But then, I was one of those early nay-sayers about Knit Picks' decision to undervalue the pattern-writing of designers. Good for you!
And that baby bump looks great on you, Rocky Road notwithstanding. I guess the little guy will enter the world just as sweet as his mom!
You look amazing!
I have been thinking about you a lot lately. it could really be anytime at this point.
The nursery is great, that mobile is adorable. i can not wait to see the little man!
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