First of all, as of right now, the baby has not yet decided to make his appearance. My due date was five days ago and it feels a little weird! March 19th has been circled in red in my calendar for nine months and I figured my life would be looking quite a bit different by now. Though I still feel completely fine and am happy knowing the baby is safe and cozy in there, I'd really like to meet the little guy! On the up side, Friday was my last day of work and, I have to say, it's been nice having a break. Though I've been doing a great deal of finger tapping and motivational speaking in the direction of my abdomen, I've also been knitting up a
storm. More on my new
Hooray Cardigan and the cardi I made up and knit in three days later. For now, here's the last little sweater I made for Mr. Callis in the hopes that he's just been waiting for me to post it.

Pattern: Improvised
Yarn: Brooklyn Tweed SHELTER, ~1.5 skeins of Faded Quilt (yummy stuff)
Needles: US 7

Some cables, drop shoulders, and a shawl collar. I hope the baby isn't actually too large for these tiny sweaters by the time he's here...
I hope your little guy can fit this gorgeous aran sweater, too. Fabulous.
oh_my_goodness. if i were him, i would wait to be able to wear this absolutely stunning sweater.(This is the definition of an adorable old man sweater - so sweet on baby boys!)
thinking of you this week!
I think you should write this pattern out! It's adorable.
Good luck when the baby comes!
So wonderful- we all wait in eager anticipation with you!
Very cute and cozy! Love those cables.
Wishing you all the best. I hope that the little guys makes his grand entrance soon, safe and sound.
What a lucky little boy to have a talented momma like you! My sister had her 1st baby on the 19th and we are in love! So excited you'll have a little one soon to cuddle.
WOW! I love that sweater! I love the color, I love the cables, I love everything about it. I'm sure your soon-to-arrive little guy will be adorable in it.
He needs the extra time inside so he will be big enough to fit the sweaters! The little fellas are always smaller than we think they will be, but they grow so fast that they need new clothes before you can get the next load of wash done. The aran sweater is the best idea yet. Absolutely adorable. Most new moms get a burst of energy before delivery and usually do lots of cleaning, but -- as is appropriate -- knitters knit furiously.
What a cute little sweater! Hang in girls were two weeks late!
such a gorgeous, gorgeous baby sweater!! I love cables, they just look so thick and squishy and cozy.
Adorable! And enjoy your little pre-baby vacation. That extra rest will come in handy very soon.
Oh, gorgeous! I've been so curious/anxious to touch and try some Shelter. What a great colour too! Looking forward to seeing the other fruits of your nesting-knitting, and of course, the little man!
Hang in there - waiting can be so tough!
So glad to hear from you, except I was, just like you, thinking that this post would be to tell us your little guy was already in your arms. It so happens that first time moms end up waiting a bit. Enjoy the break and knit and rest. Lovely sweaters!
Fabulous little cardi Hilary! Seven days after the date is what worked for me :))) *hugs*
What an adorable sweater! My baby girl will be 11 tomorrow- maybe he will come then - fingers crossed!:)
I'm sure your next post will be "Res Completa ~ the baby" ;)
That sweater is sure to be the ticket and motivate him to get moving ~ and just think when he finally arrives you can toast the event with a glass of vino!
The sweater is so adorable! I just love it!
Hang in there. He will come soon. Both of my boys were over a week late. Men-I guess they just like to take their time! I had pasta sauce the night before my water broke with my last two. Maybe give it a try if your heart burn isn't too bad?
Keep us posted!
That little one should jump out of your belly seeing cute jumper like this!
So cute! Looks like a tiny man's sweater.
What an adorable sweater. As my nan used to say, babies come out when they are nice and ripe!
In a word: adorable! I'm sure little Mr. Callis will make his appearance any day now! Hang in there...
So adorable! If you'd write up the pattern of this sweater, I'm sure it would be a success! I love the collar. You could call it "Improvised" or "Overdue baby sweater" ;-)
oh my goodness~this is BEAUTIFUL!! You continue to amaze me with your knitting skill and I know Mr. Callis will look smashing in it!
How cute!
I'll be thinking of you over the next few days and weeks. Can't wait to meet the new little person!
So, is little cutie here yet? No pressure;)
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