Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Res Completa: Holiday Sweater

It started in June. I saw Philigry's Amanda Sweater (based on a turtleneck worn by Cameron Diaz in The Holiday), fell in love, and immediately added it to my mental queue.

Then, at the end of October, Philigry's lovely sweater was featured in a Modification Monday segment over at Knitted Bliss. I still loved it. But I had so much stuff to knit! Especially with Christmas coming up.

Whatever. A week and a half later (after an encouraging/enabling note from Philigry herself) I had my yarn from Webs, and soon after that, I cast on. Just in time to wear home for Thanksgiving.

Pattern: Improvised top-down raglan
Yarn: Cascade 220, 4 skeins of Natural (8010)
Needles: US6 circs
Start to Finish: November 16-24, 2009

Notes: This sweater is a simple top-down raglan, with the cowl knitted on at the end. Loving the look of the neckline on Francis Revisited, I calculated the length of the cast-on edge and did mine the same. I did a few calculations beforehand to make sure I ended up with the bust and arm measurements I wanted and a raglan depth of 8 inches. I decreased 2 inches for the waist, then increased another 2 for the almost-to-the-hip hem.

If I hadn't been on a hard deadline (I was determined to wear this thing the night before Thanksgiving), I may have redone the sleeves. I thought I was giving them a little bit of positive ease, but I was wrong. I guess I have been working out more lately...(and by "working out" I mean "eating")...

I also may have redone the cuffs. Because buttons were going to go down there, I wanted to overlap the cuffs to make them look like they were actually buttoned. So, when I got to the ribbing, I started working them flat, and increased 4 stitches before I bound off. Because they're a little tight, they also get a little gappy when I bend my elbows. I think I will sew the two pieces together, now that I think about it.

For the cowl, I picked up stitches all the way around the cast-on collar edge and worked in reverse stockinette (turned the sweater inside out and knit it that way) for several inches. I thought about doing something at the edge of the cowl so it wouldn't curl, but decided I liked the curly look.

I LOVE this sweater. LOVE. I live in turtlenecks this time of year and am excited to have a winter white wardrobe item for this holiday season. Thanks so much to Philigry for this wonderful idea and to Julie at Knitted Bliss for reminding me about it!


Jodi said...

Absolutely lovely, and very flattering! Raglans are so wonderful to knit.

Susan said...

Very flattering in deed. You look beautiful, stylish, and cozy - the best of all worlds.

Philigry said...

i love this on you! i am so glad you made it. stunning! I love the neck on yours!

Carolyn said...

What a beautiful sweater! Very flattering on you. Love your boots!!!

barefootrooster said...

oh, hilary, this is AWESOME. actually, there are no words for how awesome this is. what a fantastic FO. (and i love the way you phrased the whole working out/eating bit, though i think the fit is perfect!)

jane said...

That is so beautiful, and the off-white is just perfect for a winter sweater. Love those boots, too!

Katlyn said...

It looks great on you!

Clumsy Knitter said...


Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

It's absolutely gorgeous! Love the classic cream shade you chose and the buttons are a great detail point. Wear it in good health and with great enjoyment!

BTW, you have reminded me that I need to order a holiday movie :)

peaknits said...

You amaze me - this sweater is gorgeous - I love the buttoned sleeves - nice work - again!

t does wool said...

beautiful Hilary!

Kathleen Dames said...

What a lovely sweater! And I love the color. Another one for the queue.

Renee said...

What a gorgeous knit!! It looks wonderful on you and the sleeves gaping and the cowl neck are my favourite part. I definitely need something like this in my queue...

Unknown said...

I just bought 4 skeins of dark purple cascade. I wanna make this now!

Journeying Five said...

love it! it looks really good on you and the neckline and shaping is just perfect.

Teresa said...

So beautiful - I love the curliness of the turtleneck! Personally I think the buttons look just fine, but I understand how, as the knitter herself, there are bits you want to tweak. Happens every time!
It looks like a sumptuous wear, and I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful in it :)

Monique said...

Great basic and it looks great on you too! You'll get lots of wear out of it I'm sure!

Lolly said...

I wish I could come up with a new word to describe the beauty of this sweater (and your great outfit!) It is just fabulous! I love the cowl and the natural ivory color.

Ana's Closet said...

There is a giveaway on my blog.
To participate click the link on the post "Ugg Boot giveaway"!

Margo said...

Beautiful! One of my favorite colors on you :) Hope you and Neill are doing well. Will you be in town for Christmas?

sheepish one said...

hilary, by far, one of the most lovely cowl-neck sweaters ever -- and the curl is perfect. i love the button choice.

Anonymous said...

*Love* this sweater. I also love the idea of buttons on the sleeves, but I understand not being able to cope with something that isn't quite right...maybe you need an extra button on each sleeve?

a friend to knit with said...

i am in LOVE with it!!!
every detail is perfect.
and i have told you before... but i need to tell you again... you are beautiful!
and i LOVE the photos!

lucy said...

i don't think there is a sweater in that movie that I don't want for myself (including the clothes too)! Yours looks fantastic as your entire outfit.

Anonymous said...

Its 8pm on Tuesday night in Sydney. I am moving house tomorrow, everything is in boxes, 2 kids asleep, husband still at work, SO much to do. Of course now is the PERFECT time to be surfing the internet brainlessly. But, I just stumbled across your blog and I am so impressed! (and just slightly annoyed that I now have to add another thing to my to-do list 'learn to knit') Beautiful stuff!- Kenna (the turlock one:)

Unknown said...

absolutely fabulous!

Ella said...

I have to say, I love what you've done with this sweater. It's gorgeous. The neckline, the buttons... just... YUM. This will definitely be going in my "must knit" queue. Yum.

Hadley Makes said...


Mary R said...

Hilary -- I love the sweater and I love seeing you strolling in your folks' yard. Beautiful.
Mary R

Tif / Halu-Halo said...

Its gorgeous! Such great fit as well...and I do love the buttons!!

Eliza said...

This looks amazing, and fits you to a T!

cksknitter said...

I was surfing knitting blogs and hit upon yours. I just spent a good part of the day looking at and reading about all of your fabulous knitting and sewing projects. Talk about motivation! I'm adding you to my favorites right now!

Maryse said...

I too saw Philigry sweater on Modification Monday from Knitted Bliss and thought it was a great sweater! The cowl is perfect and I love the wrist buttons! Great work!

marsha said...

I'm not a fast knitter so luckily I was able to find a similar sweater because I love the whole look (and that movie). Funny thing - I had to work Thursday until noon and had mentioned that I was coming casual. My officemate who shares my office came to to work dressed almost identical to me in an ivory turtleneck sweater, jeans and boots - LOL! Am I the only one who would gladly buy the pattern if you'll write it up? And lastly - Cameron Diaz has nothing on you!!

Anonymous said...

This sweater is absolutely beautiful! I loved it in The Holiday, and you did a fantastic job.