Friday, August 26, 2011

Giveaway! 10 Secrets of the LaidBack Knitters

I recently received a copy of 10 Secrets of the LaidBack Knitters, by Vicki Stiefel and Lisa Souza, and thought it would be fun to do a read-through then pass it along to one of my wonderful readers. But -- I'm not gonna lie -- now that the time has come, I don't really want to part with it. The goal of 10 Secrets was, according to the Intro, to be "a book that spoke to all levels and types of knitters; a book that enhanced and expanded any knitter's experience in both joyful and substantive ways." And indeed it does! A laidback knitter I am not (I will admit to recently throwing my knitting on the floor and stomping on it so hard that my neighbors called to ask what was wrong...$#@* lying gauge swatch) nor am I much of a process knitter. But reading this book made me feel so warm and fuzzy about our craft that I've already begun to change my approach.

The book is full of knitting history and personalities, fun trivia, vintage photos, fuzzy animals, and a great overview of everything knitting-related, from properties of alpaca fiber to how to start improvising your own designs. It is a beautiful snapshot of the knitting world as it exists right now, and I can see it being a great introduction for the novice as well as a source of inspiration for the knitting expert. It truly is a lovely book and was clearly written with love.

Plus, patterns! Lots of them. (All photos copyright Vicki Stiefel.)

I'm particularly fond of this pretty piece...

Romi's Gems, by Rosemary Hill

This cute little hoodie...

Prospero Hoodie, by Justine Turner

And these two man-knits...

Park City Crochet Posh Beanie, by Tom Clark

Norah's Scarf for Bill, by Norah Gaughan

Now. How do you get yourself a free copy of this book? Just leave a comment on this post by 11:59pm Pacific Daylight Time next Friday, September 2nd. I'll use a random number generator to draw the winner and make the announcement the next day (Saturday the 3rd).

And please keep me in check. If the "winner" is suspiciously named something like "hilarysmithcallis" or "theyarniad1980", please don't let me get away with it.


Rachael said...

Whoa. I can think of people who need each of the patterns you selected.

Amy Lamash said...

Wow, this book is really making the rounds. I will have to check it out!

Catie said...

This book sounds great - would love to see it in person

Ann de Vries said...

Wait... yelling and screaming isn't part of the process?

Retha said...

sounds like a great book!

nook. said...

what a lovely giveaway!!! one that will definitely be used!! i'm in!

SJS said...

Ooh, I'm totally a laidback knitter! I'm always on the lookout for portable projects, such as those featured in this book!

KolbrĂșn said...

This book just sounds wonderful, fitting to read now when fall is beginning

sharmylae said...

i love the look of this book!

Anonymous said...

Love Romi's Gems! And all of them!!! And I promise I'm not the Yarniad. ;)

Tiffany C said...

This book looks fantastic - thanks for sharing!

Aleda said...

What a great-sounding book! Thanks for being willing to let go of it. :)

YogaNan knits, too... said...

Wow, it looks brilliant! Would love to see it up close and in person.

Little Miss S. said...

Looking like a promising book. I kind of understand why you don't want to part with it...

Susan said...

I'm with Shadawyn - my knitting seems to include the tantrum throwing as part of the normal process. lol

greenearth50 said...

It sounds like a cool book! Thank you for the generous giveaway!

Katalin said...

Nice giveaway, the book sounds really interesting!

ColorSlut said...

Looks like a really cool book!!!

Lisa said...

Great giveaway! Both a friend and I would really enjoy a book called "laidback knitters". I'll add it to my wishlist and hope it gets crossed off really soon!

Megan said...

Love the idea of a book with advice and patterns! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Kelly K. said...

Looking forward to spending some time with the book and the lovely patterns and stories in there. I hope I win! :-)

Debbolib said...

This book sounds great. Thanks for the chance!

Heathwitch said...

What a fabulous collection of patterns! Thanks for offering the book as a giveaway! :)

Kassia said...

Oooo I'd love a copy! :)

Harper said...

I'd like to think of myself as a laidback knitter but who am I kidding?

Flaf said...

I really hope this giveaway is open internationally, cause I'd love a copy of the book! Plus, they don't even sell it where I live!

Anonymous said...

Looks so pretty, love it :)

Mary Lee said...

Looks like a great book!

alligator said...

I'm not a laid back knitter either, this book sounds really interesting!


Nora said...

Thanks for the giveway - would love to know the secrets to being a laid back knitter!!

Beth said...

Just what I need to read right now!

Belinda said...

That looks like a very interesting book. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kamigaeru said...

What a neat looking book... I'm curious to see what's inside!! (Kamigaeru on Ravelry)

Meredith said...

I do like the process, but I think I'm ultimately a product knitter. It looks like a great book!

Mrs N said...

I think my husband would actually wear that beanie. I'd love to win the book!

Jane said...

cute book!

Pam P. said...

I put this book on my wishlist, I would LOVE it!

Teresa said...

How kind! Thanks for the giveaway. Looks like a great book.

Anonymous said...

This looks like an extraordinary book to complement my other knitting books! Anne-Lies

Anonymous said...

I would like to have that book soooooooooo much!

Bethany said...

I've been meaning to pick up this book.

purltherapy said...

The book looks pretty intereting and I would love to have it in my hands.

Ginger said...

Looks like a great book! Sometimes I could use a reminder to be a little more laid back in my knitting.

Anonymous said...

Wow, great book. The hoodie is really a sweet pattern.

Lady Lavender of the Kitchen said...

excited to page through this book

Montymoo said...

What a great book! I skimmed it at the bookstore, and am wait for payday to get a copy for myself! :-)

garret said...

I love a good giveaway!!

Kathy said...

Lucky seven, lucky seven--pick me!

Wiske said...

Wow! It looks like a lovely book indeed. Something every knitter can learn lots from. If I win, I'll knit everything in the book and then pass it on to someone else like you did! :)

Melindaknits said...

Count me in for the free raffle!! The book sounds awesome!

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

A lying cheating gauge swatch! No! Say it ain't so - LOL I used to be a process knitter until I spent 3 years working on a Jamieson shetland tunic (pre-blogging) and wore it once (i.e. 1 time) and pulled it out of a drawer 6 months later only to find a gigantic hole from a moth in the center. It was pre-blogging so I don't even have a pic (whaaa) and I simply tossed the whole thing in the trash in disgust. Now my attitude is wear everything and enjoy it. P.S. The book looks like a fun addition to the shelf ~ but I'm over stashed as it is so go ahead and skip me if the random number falls my way. xoxo

Larkin said...

Yum Yum. And snort, theyarniad1980! That is certainly the cutest baby hoodie I've ever seen.

cinzia said...

knitting is becoming new through new people, girls that use imagination for create a new style completely different from my grandma works. Let's go and continue this beautiful thing. Bye

Diane Wright said...

I want it bad, but chances are I'll have to buy it. Thanks for the chance.

Nedra Kanavel said...

LOVE your patterns! knitting up Gemma in a kelly green right now and it is turning out to be beautiful!

slmiller8 said...

I've been hearing a lot of good things about this book; would love to see for myself.

Jturnrich said...

Hmm, my knitting - and my life - could use some help. Please forward the book directly to me!!

grammynan said...

I LOVE secrets! And I love the designers whose creations you posted! I have my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

Would love this book!

karen said...

i love that little hoodie!

rav id-okeydokey

Dana said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE! I was just looking for this book!


Bonnie said...

Thanks for having the giveaway! I'm on the list to borrow this list from the library. It looks like a fantastic book.

Amanda said...

I try to be a laid-back knitter, but I'm definitely not.

Unknown said...

I love the idea behind this book! Thanks for a chance to win!

Brigid said...

I've been hearing great things about this book. I might have to make yet another yarn-related splurge...

Helga Marie Bee said...

did I already leave a comment?

count me in for this one!

thanks friend-


Pam P. said...

Oh I'd love this book.


angela said...

I'm a laidback knitter...this would be great! Thanks for the contest.

yoli said...

Wow, this book sounds great for the incredibly neurotic knitter--like me.

broadcasting from a knitting parlour said...

I need this book. Need. ;)
Thanks for the contest!

Elisabeth said...

I'd love to get this book !

Hayley said...

I loved the story about you jumping on your knitting in frustration!

Trisha R said...

Looks like a great book! I need to get as laid back as possible when I knit!!!

jlr said...

There has been so much buzz about this book! I must get my hands on it one way or another.

Anonymous said...

I'm not gonna lie- I could use more laidback in my life! What a generous giveaway.

Thanks for the chance!

-Nancy (n2n on Rav)

Anonymous said...

Sounds fantastic. Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize! (FelicityS on Ravelry)

Jaime said...

Laid back knitter? I could definitely use a little of that!

judydoula said...

I am a laid back knitter but must admit that on occasion I have been known to throw, stomp and curse! Thanks for the giveaway!

willfulmina said...

Ooh, I love the look of this book!

Jaime P said...

Beautiful patterns thanks for sharing

emilie94410 said...

Ohhh!!! The little hoodie is just too cute!! :)

charlotte said...

What a great looking book! I'd love a copy...

Judi A. said...

This looks like a book I need and would like.


oakbayknits said...

Hmmm - an interesting book - not sure if I am laid back or obsessive...

Suzanne said...

It was great to pop over her and see more of your work since I have knit a Citron. :-) Thank you for the review of the book. Have a great day!

Jonathan Berkompas said...

Yes please! Looks like a great book. :-)

Chelsea Anne

jberkom (at) gmail (dot) com

little Bean said...

lovely. I'd love to check it out!

Amanda said...

i would love love love that!

Sara Kathryn said...

Sounds like a great book! I would love to win!
Sara Kathryn
cavaliergirl96 (at) windstream (dot) net

Anonymous said...

Would love this one! :)

dopy001 (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I love the baby tan sweater!


PG said...

The end of summer is bringing back that itch to knit a sweater!

Vicki said...

I would really like to read this book and do a couple of the patterns.

Jaime P said...

Always love a good knitting book. This one looks great!

GynnaB said...

what a great book!